• Social Media

    If you believe what you read on Twitter profiles, 3/4 of the global population is a Social Media / SEO / Content / New Media expert.

    We’ve been communicating through social media for a long time – and doing it well. But the truth is, no one has been doing social media for decades (unless you count dial-up BBS boards – which we did).

    New-media today is just that –  new – and changing every day.  We make sure we stay on top of new developments and changes.

    The vehicles change in Social Media.  The Rock Star king of the world … can go away (anyone still using MySpace?).  And new ones can come up overnight.

    It comes down to audience.  Where will you find them?  Where do they go?  Different demographics tend to favor different social media platforms (which, too, is subject to change).

    But whether it’s Instagram or Facebook, Twitter or Vine, Pinterest or whatever was invented last night – we can help your brand ambassadors get your message out there.

    • Audience Growth on multiple platforms
    • Audience Engagement
    • Updating on multiple platforms
    • Monitoring for Service or Marketing Opportunities
    • Managing Contests and Incentives in the Social Media world

    And there are even more things you can use social media for AT a live event or meeting.  Things like:

    • Birds of a feather / impromptu Special Interest Group (SIG) Gatherings … searchable on location 
    • TweetUps based on status or interest
    • Competitions / engagement activities
    • Live MicroBlogging
    • Live Streaming
    • Remote Audience Input

    But the first thing we’ll always want to talk about – is who you’re talking to.

    The Audience comes first.  

    Make Meetings Better
